First-party data?

Source data is information that a company collects directly from its customers and from its property. The source data (also known as 1P data) is part of the mosaic.

First-party data?

Source data is information that a company collects directly from its customers and from its property. The source data (also known as 1P data) is part of the mosaic.

First-party data

is information that companies can collect from their own sources. In other words, all customer information from both online and offline sources, such as the website, application, CRM, social media or company surveys, is first-party data.

Lotame Data Exchange is your source for high-quality third-party data. It includes data from billions of users grouped into thousands of precise segments available on more than 40 advertising platforms. We can also create custom segments. In addition to purchasing Lotame brand data through LDX, you can access data from more than 40 brand data providers.